What is and what is the "Proxy" Javascript constructor for?


Viewed 71 times


I know the builder Proxy was added in Javascript version 6 (ES6). My questions are:

  • What is?
  • What is its main purpose and how to use it?
  • 2

    Luiz, I found a text that talks a little about this here

1 answer


The object Proxy is a means to achieve a certain type of metaprogramming in Javascript. In the field of metaprogramming, there are three major categories:

  • Introspection;
  • Own modification;
  • Interception.

The object Proxy, who works with the interception of objects, "encapsulates" an object and allows the interception of basic operations related to it, such as operations [[Get]] (reading of a property), [[Set]] (of setting a property) and many others. I will not quote the complete list here, as it is extensive. For this, see this reference.

An object can be "proxyfied" like this:

const proxyfiedObject = new Proxy(targetObject, handler);

In which targetObject is the original object and proxyfiedObject is the object that will have the basic operations intercepted. Note that the original object nay is affected. A new object is created.

The object handler is used to define the interceptions to be made. For each of the supported operations for Proxy, there is a key that can be used on the object handler, associated with a function of callback.

The example below illustrates interceptions of operations [[Get]]:

// Objeto original:
const original = {
  name: 'Foo',
  age: 50

// Objeto utilizado para definir as interceptações:
const handler = {
  get: (target, propKey) => {
    console.log('Operação [[Get]] chamada.');
    return `Modificada: ${target[propKey]}`;

const proxyfied = new Proxy(original, handler);

console.log(proxyfied.name); // Irá ativar `handler.get`.

In this case, the use of a getter would probably be enough. The Proxys are generally useful when you want to reuse the same handler for multiple objects or the interception of operations that go beyond mere [[Get]] or [[Set]].

Note that the object Reflect implements all interceptable operations for Proxy. Both were introduced in Ecmascript 2015.

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