I need to relate two tables in order to bring me a result within the conditions I want


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I’m using the SQLSERVER

Condition(What the result should return to me) Creation of the agenda. Necessary creation of the flow for creation of agenda and blocking to reserve the vacancies;

When cross-referencing the data from two tables I need to assign a spot to that patient who came in contact first. And this vacancy can no longer be attributed to any other patient.

As Tabelas estão preenchidas assim

To do this I thought about creating a precedent, but I can’t get the syntax right, help me please, or if there’s any other way to do that too

-- Criando tabela de retorno da proc
    SELECT CodPaciente, NomePaciente, NULL NomeEspecialidade, NULL NomeMedico,Telefone, 
    Celular, NULL DataVaga, NULL HoraVaga, 0 StatusVaga, NULL Obs
    INTO #Retorno
    FROM  Paciente WHERE StatusSolic = 0

-- Declarando variavel para ser utilizada no while
      DECLARE @i INT
        SET @i = 0

-- Tabela temporaria para controle do while
    SELECT * INTO #Solicitacoes FROM Paciente WHERE StatusSolic =0

-- Verificando se existe Pacientes com status igual a 0(disponivel)
    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Solicitacoes) ==0
        RETURN 'Não há Pacientes a serem atribuido a vaga'
-- Iniciando o while
    WHILE @i < (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Solicitacoes)
        DECLARE @CodPaciente INT --Variavel que representará a linha da tabela Paciente que estamos executando

----Preenchendo a váriavel com a menor data/hora (conforme definido a prioridade)
        SELECT @CodPaciente = CodPaciente FROM #Solicitacoes
        ORDER BY DataContato, HoraContato

--- Pegar a primeira linha com a menor data/hora dentre as vagas disponíveis para atribuir ao Paciente de acordo com a especialidade, regra de data e statusVaga

        SELECT TOP 1 a.* INTO #Disponivel FROM Horarios AS a
        INNER JOIN Paciente AS s ON a.CodEspecialidade = s.CodEspecialidade
        WHERE a.DataHorarios >= DATEADD(day, 3, s.DataContato)
        AND a.StatusVaga=0 AND s.CodPaciente = @CodPaciente

        DECLARE @CodHorarios INT = 0 --Será utilizada para o preenchimento da vaga
        SELECT @CodHorarios = CodHorarios FROM #Disponivel -- Setar na variável o id da vaga disponível que está na tabela temporária

--Se existir uma vaga disponível, o status da vaga e do Paciente serão alterados
        IF @CodHorarios >0
            UPDATE Horarios SET StatusVaga = 1, CodPaciente = @CodPaciente
            WHERE CodHorarios = @CodHorarios

            UPDATE Paciente SET StatusSolic = 1
            WHERE CodPaciente = @CodPaciente

            UPDATE #Retorno SET NomeEspecialidade = a.NomeEspecialidade,
                        NomeMedico = a.NomeMedico,
                        DataVaga = a.DataHorarios, HoraVaga = a.HoraHorarios,
                        StatusVaga = 1, Obs = 'Vaga preenchida com sucesso!'
            FROM #Retorno r
            INNER JOIN Horarios AS a ON r.CodPaciente = a.CodPaciente
            WHERE a.CodHorarios = @CodHorarios
            UPDATE #Retorno SET Obs = 'Não foi encontrado um horário para a especialidade desejada.'
            WHERE CodPaciente = @CodPaciente
        -- Deleta a linha atual para o while seguir para a próxima
        DELETE FROM #Solicitacoes WHERE CodPaciente = @CodPaciente
        SET @i= @i+1 --Incrementa +1 no indice do while
SELECT * FROM #Retorno
  • It informs that incorrect syntax and q create Procedure must be the only instruction in the batch.

  • I could add in the above description of the topic: (1) what are all the rules that should be followed for building the code; (2) the code that creates the tables; (3) code that generates the mass of data for testing.

2 answers


When cross-referencing the data from two tables I need to assign a spot to that patient who came in contact first. And this vacancy can no longer be attributed to any other patient.

The ideal is to build codes that treat the lines in blocks (data set) and not one line at a time (row by row). For small tables it makes no difference, but for large volumes the increase in processing time is huge.

Here is draft suggestion, which deals with the allocation of requests for consultations with the available vacancies following the rule "assign a position to that patient who came in contact first”:

-- código #1 v4
declare @PacOk table (CodPaciente int, CodHorarios int);


grupoPaciente as (
SELECT *, Seq= row_number() over (partition by CodEspecialidade 
                                  order by DataContato, HoraContato)
  from Paciente
  where StatusSolic = 0
grupoVaga as (
SELECT *, Seq= row_number() over (partition by CodEspecialidade 
                                  order by DataHorarios, HoraHorarios)
  from Horarios
  where StatusVaga = 0
  set CodPaciente= gP.CodPaciente,
      StatusVaga= 1
  output inserted.CodPaciente, inserted.CodHorarios into @PacOk
  from grupoVaga as gV
       inner join grupoPaciente as gP on gP.CodEspecialidade = gV.CodEspecialidade
                                         and gP.Seq = gV.Seq;

UPDATE Paciente
  set StatusSolic= 1
  where CodPaciente in (SELECT CodPaciente from @PacOk);


-- relata vagas que foram alocadas nesta execução
SELECT H.CodPaciente, P.NomePaciente, P.Telefone, P.Celular, 
       H.CodEspecialidade, H.NomeEspecialidade, H.NomeMedico, 
       DataVaga= H.DataHorarios, HoraVaga= H.HoraHorarios, 
       'Consulta marcada' as Obs
  from Horarios as H
       inner join Paciente as P on P.CodPaciente = H.CodPaciente
  where H.CodHorarios in (SELECT CodHorarios from @PacOk);

-- relata solicitações de atendimento não marcadas
SELECT CodPaciente, NomePaciente, Telefone, Celular, CodEspecialidade,
       'Não há horário disponível para a especialidade desejada' as Obs
  from Paciente
  where StatusSolic = 0;

Image with test result:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Structure and data used for testing:

-- código #2
  CodHorarios int,
  CodEspecialidade varchar(20),
  NomeEspecialidade varchar(30),
  CodMedico int,
  NomeMedico varchar(30),
  DataHorarios date,
  HoraHorarios time(0),
  CodPaciente int default 0,
  StatusVaga tinyint default 0

  CodPaciente int,
  NomePaciente varchar(30),
  CodEspecialidade varchar(20),
  Telefone varchar(20),
  Celular varchar(20),
  DataContato date,
  HoraContato time(0),
  StatusSolic tinyint default 0

set dateformat dmy;

INSERT into Horarios values
  (1, '004 3/02', 'ALERGIA - ASM', 1, 'Abílio de Barros', '9/5/2018', '7:00', 0, 0),
  (2, '004 3/04', 'CLINICO', 3, 'Roberto', '10/5/2018', '7:10', 0, 0),
  (3, '004 3/02', 'ALERGIA - ASM', 1, 'Abílio de Barros', '11/5/2018', '7:20', 0, 0),
  (4, '004 3/03', 'CARDIOLOGIA', 2, 'Fernanda', '9/5/2018', '7:00', 0, 0);

INSERT into Paciente values 
  (1, 'José', '004 3/02', '(11)5789-8547', '(11)92485-6128', '6/5/2018', '7:00', 0),
  (2, 'Maria', '004 3/04', '(11)5789-7857', '(11)9455-6187', '9/5/2018', '7:05', 0),
  (3, 'Hugo', '004 3/03', '(11)5619-8548', '(11)97085-2630', '9/5/2018', '7:30', 0),
  (4, 'Natália', '004 3/02', '(11)5529-3849', '(11)9278-6241', '6/5/2018', '7:15', 0);
  • Thanks for this return, when trying to run it returns me error in the variables @Packok of the two UPDATE’S and -SELECT to report the vacancies that were allocated in this execution. The message says: It is necessary to declare the table variable "@Packok"

  • I am searching a little, but I can’t understand, because it was declared before starting the transaction. I tried to execute the whole query. I tried to run only the DECLARE line and then the transaction, but keeps returning me this message

  • @Rogériocristian The table variable is declared as@ Pacok but in the code it was@ Packok. I fixed it already.

  • I put an answer with the result images to illustrate the query better

  • This morning I made a change to code #1 v3 but quickly undone it. I do not know if you copied code #1 v3 at this time. When in doubt, I renumed the code; could you test v4? // I simulated the data here, ran code #1 v4 and the result was correct. I added in the above answer the mass of data used for testing. // Beyond the rule assign a position to that patient who came in contact first, what others are there? In the description only this, but in your code I realized that there is a test of 3 days...

  • I tried with v4 and he still brought me José as the patient assigned to all vacancies. In addition to assigning a spot to that patient who came in contact first. The date of the consultation has to be at least 3 days after the date of the patient’s contact, As José contacted 06/05, the date of his consultation has to be from 09/05. .

  • Code #1 was built using the rule "assign a position to that patient who came in contact first". With this rule code #1 returned the correct result, as shown in the image attached in the above answer. // If the result of your tests was another, you probably modified the code #1 I posted. // The rule "The date of the appointment has to be at least 3 days after the date of the patient’s contact"does not appear in the description of the problem. It implies another approach to solving the problem.

  • José, thank you very much, I checked and really I had done the wrong structure, I did according to what you went through and it worked. Thank you very much

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@Josédiz I’m almost there, that result brought me: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Patient Joseph assigned to all other specialties

And when I change the query that brings me the allocated vacancies. putting

SELECT H.Codpatient, P.Patient name, P.Telephone, P.Cellular, H.Codespeciality, H.Nomespecialty, H.Nomemedic, Date= H.Date, Time= H.Time, 'Appointment marked' as Obs from Horarios as H Patient as P on P.Codpatient = H.Codpatient Where H.Codespeciality = P.Codespeciality AND Codhorarios in (SELECT Codhorarios from @Pacok);

He brings me, only the specialty that Jose requested, but assigning to him the two available schedules, where should be only the first wave:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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