Problems with iReport Designer - No Protocol specified


Viewed 147 times


Hello! Good afternoon!

My problem is basically the following:

I downloaded iReport Designer, but I can’t run it. When I take sudo . /ireport, the console returns the following message:

Openjdk 64-Bit Server VM Warning: ignoring option Maxpermsize=512m; support was Removed in 8.0
In the specified Protocol

  • From what I read on some websites, Ireport does not support Java 8

  • Jeez... But it is possible to run it in an earlier version of java, and continue using java 8 in other projects?

  • Yes, but how to do it depends on the distro used

  • The version is Ubuntu 17.10, can you tell how I do it? Because at Oracle I do not think.

  • When I sudo apt-get update, the following message appears: The Repository ' Artful Release' does not have a Release file.

  • I won’t be able to help, I use Antergos, different package system

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1 answer


The problem is that it has no support for Java8.

If you have more than one JDK installation do the following:

  • Like root run the command: update-alternatives --config java
  • Copy the JDK installation path you have, in my case the path is /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
  • open the file ireport/etc/ireport.conf and, in the variable jdkhome, paste the copied path
  • get out of the way root and execute the ireport normally.

If you do not have more than one installation, you will need to install another JDK to work. It does not run with Java8. I hope to have helped.

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