Is there any way to create an environment variable by IIS?


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I have an application running on local IIS and also in production. In this application, I have a feature where, when an error occurs, an email is sent. The problem is I don’t want that to happen when I’m in a development environment.

I thought about determining some environment variable to do this on IIS (but I want this variable to be specific to this application).

Is there any way to define specific environment variables for an application running on IIS?

  • 2

    have tried the web.config ?

  • I suggest using the debug mode option, and it is only enabled in the test environment:

  • @Rovannlinhalis um... how would I do that? I’m really messing with C# and derivatives for a little while, all help is welcome.

  • I believe it is just to check, with an if: if(HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled

  • @Rovannlinhalis but how will IIS know it is debug or not? That’s the question. You’re talking about that flag debug=true of compilation?

  • yes, I will elaborate an answer, but ask you to take a test. I have no way to test it now. If it goes wrong, let me know to remove ok ?

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1 answer


You can set in your web.config, on the tag compilation, the attribute debug:

In the development environment:


In the production environment:


Within the application, you check whether it is in debug mode, and upload:

if (!HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled) 
    //envia o email
    //não envia email ou envia para outro endereço


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