Doubt in C++ program entry command


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I am learning functions now in c++ and I went to try to run this program. It turns out that when I run it just doesn’t let me type in the value of cin>>p; it simply ignores the command and switches to the next one. I don’t know what’s going on. This is the program:

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;

float p,mai=0;
int i;
char nome,pesado;

void topo(){
    cout<<" D E T E C T O R  DE  P E S A D O"<<endl;
    cout<<" Maior peso ate agora: "<<mai<<" kg"<<endl;

int main (void) {
    topo ();
        cout<<"Digite o nome e depois o peso: "<<endl;
        if (p>mai){
            mai =p;
            pesado =nome;
    cout<<"A pessoa mais pesada foi "<<pesado<<"com "<<mai<<" kg"<<endl;

  • Is there any way you can put the input you are going through? I need it Verbatim, with neither left nor missing a space or enter

  • Look how Marconi put the input of the data in his doubt in this question:

  • @Jeffersonquesado this way ?

  • You left your code unreadable and didn’t put any input

  • When you talk about input, you talk about what exactly ? regarding the code, was to leave it the way it was ? I didn’t quite understand what you asked me to do, sorry, I’m starting to agr.

  • When speaking input is in the sense of what will be passed to the program by the default input (usually the keyboard). For example, look at this question, it has the input example. This other problem has 3 input examples:

  • and the "Cin>" commands are no longer sufficient for input ?

  • I didn’t ask how you did it to get the down payment, but what’s the down payment. cin >> nome; indicates how you received programmatically input, but I don’t know if you typed in p or Pedro or Pedro Alonso or umgrandenomedetestequeultrapassaacapacidadedeleituradaparadadastring

  • Friend, Before the Cout<<" n" put fflush(stdin);

  • nome is the type char so your name can only be a letter. And in that sense the program is working well. If you want to read a name change to the type string making the corresponding include #include <cstring>

  • Andersonhenrique I did here and it worked, in fact I didn’t even know what fflush(stdin) was, now I know, thanks. Isac I hadn’t noticed that either, I wanted to read a name myself, thanks for the tip.

  • Posso Colocar como Resposta então @Pedroafonso ?

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1 answer


You have to pass a pointer to a character, not simply a character, so it looks like this:

char *nome;

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