Generate 4-digit aléatory numbers [0000-9999]


Viewed 1,464 times


Follow the example below of what is happening, I declared 1198805- and the rest is generated. But with this defect below.


Follow the Code in Javascript used :

var maximo = 8999;
var resultados = 40;
var stop;
var contador = 0;
	//var txt = document.getElementById("txtsenha").value;
    var txt = "11" + "" + "9" + "9204" + "-";
   // document.getElementById(el).innerHTML += txt + x + "<br>";
	document.getElementById('contadorrr').innerHTML = '<font color=#FFF size="6"> <b>-</b>Loanding<b>-</b> </font><font size="29">[</font><font size="59" color=#1E90FF> ' + contador + '</font><font size="29">]</font><font size="29" color=#1E90FF>' ;

var i, arr = [];
for (i = 0; i < maximo; i++) {
    arr[i] = i + 1;

var p, n, tmp;
for (p = arr.length; p;) {
    n = Math.random() * p-- | 0;
    tmp = arr[n];
    arr[n] = arr[p];
    arr[p] = tmp;

for (var i = 0; i < resultados; i++) {
 document.getElementById('out').innerHTML += txt + arr[i]+ '<br> ';
<body style="background-image:url(;">
        <div class="configdiv" align="center"  style="color: #F8F8FF;">
<p><font size="15">-</font> <font size="7" color="#B5B5B5">SPACE GHOST V1.0</font> <font size="15">-</font></p> 

                <img align="center" src="" width="300" height="250" >
<div id="contadorrr"><font size="20" color="#FFD700"><strong></strong></font></div>


<font size="20" color="#20B2AA">[</font> <font size="20" color="#D3D3D3"><strong> NUMEROS </strong></font> <font size="20" color="#20B2AA">]</font>
<div id="out" align="center"  style="color: #00BFFF;"></div>
<div id="interval" align="center" style="color: #00FF00;"></div>

The 4 digits drawn, total 5040 different combinations without repetition However in my code it generates broken lines of 10, sometimes of 12 digits, and this interferes in the total of REAL results (11 digits)

Does anyone know how to limit the code to generate only 11 digits ?

Thank you.

  • As already explained in the deleted version of the same question, the essential thing is this: Fill left zeros in Javascript

  • And the shuffling without repeating part is here: Random numbers without repetition

  • Thanks @Bacco was sorry for the other question, I had not understood what you went through , thanks msm

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  • Thanks for the attention, I’ve done my part and released the chat, pity that not so many people interested in javascript , but it will be much more useful to use the chat really ,to reading a booklet I found on google, but there is something that only someone explaining even to learn, if you are from the area of boars , will see me mt through here kkk

  • In business hours brings more people together. Chat is good for more interactive things. Objective questions are good to ask right here, so it helps more people, and it gets organized. If you have interest and time, we have [help] that has some cool tips, and has the site meta, which is "the site on the site". In the goal we do not discuss programming itself, but discuss the standards of the site, what is accepted or not, and help shape the community. It is a good source of reading on the behaviors and methodologies used in the main site.

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1 answer


function pad(str, length) {
  const resto = length - String(str).length;
  return '0'.repeat(resto > 0 ? resto : '0') + str;

var resultados =5040;
var maximo = 9999;
var arr = [];
while(arr.length < resultados){
    var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * maximo)
    random = pad(random, 4);
    if(arr.indexOf(random) > -1) continue;
    arr[arr.length] = random;
    console.log("11" + "" + "9" + "8805" + random);

  • Dude but so it won’t duplicate the results? taking into account that 4 digits is total of 5,040 combinations(counting with ZERO), my code already avoids duplicate for me to get the total result , however it breaks the digits from 4 to 3 or from 4 to 5 (as a count and it continues counting....) , I want to avoid this and determines TOTAL result of 11 digits and 4 digits generated and without duplicates . what if I put zero in front of generated ? or use something similar like length where [0000-9999] and not [0-9999]

  • +1, solved the pad and the range after the last Edit. is the suggestion of who will use in practice to exchange the raffle algorithm only, but this is an implementation detail.

  • Bacchus I edited the answer according to his guidelines. Actually Fisher-Yates is much more performative (up to 10x and 8x in the case of 5040 numbers) which would result in 3 milliseconds of difference. OBS: I made these observations according to this analysis of Fisher-Yates x Rute force:

  • was much faster even , great tip

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