I read the following sentence:
Abstractfactory defines an interface for creating a family of related or dependent products without you having to explicitly specify the classes.
Consider the following adapter:
namespace Teste\Db;
use Teste\Db\Adapter\DbInterface;
class Adapter
private $config = null;
public function __construct(array $config)
$this->config = $config;
public function factory()
$db = $this->config['db'];
$class = __NAMESPACE__ . '\Adapter\DbAdapter' . $db;
return new $class($this->config);
Note that this class has the method factory
which returns the instance of a new class according to the settings file:
db = MySQL
dbname = fixeads
username = 'root'
passwd = 'root'
host = localhost
debug = true
I used the standard Factory Method for knowing which class should be used only at the time of script execution. Note that in the settings file there is a setting:
db = MySQL
With this the adapter will generate an instance of the class DbAdapterMySQL
(actually the class is kind of DbInterface
, see below):
namespace Teste\Db\Adapter;
use Teste\Util\Iterator\Collection;
class DbAdapterMySQL extends \PDO implements DbInterface
public function __construct(array $config)
$dsn = "mysql:dbname={$config['dbname']};host={$config['host']}";
parent::__construct($dsn, $config['username'], $config['passwd']);
$this->setAttribute(self::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, self::FETCH_ASSOC);
public function insert($table, array $fields)
public function select($table, $cols = '*', $where = [])
public function getFields($table)
//descrição dos campos
Note that the class implements the interface DbInterface
namespace Teste\Db\Adapter;
interface DbInterface
public function __construct(array $config);
public function select($table, $cols = '*', $where = null);
public function insert($table, array $fields);
public function getFields($table);
And to use everything I do the following:
$config = parse_ini_file(sprintf(__DIR__ . '%sconfig.ini', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
$dbAdapter = new DbAdapter($config);
Mapper::$defaultAdapter = $dbAdapter->factory();
I can say I used the standards Adapter, Factory Method and Abstract Factory in the above classes?
- The pattern Adapter because I used the class
to build an application-compatible interface, so when I switch from Mysql to MSSQL I only have to create a new classDbAdapterMSSQL
and implement their methods. - The pattern Factory Method because I used the method
to return an instance of the class that must be used (at runtime) according to the project settings. - And here is my question, I can say I used the standard Abstract Factory? Once I used the interface
for the creation of a family of related products, which in this case is for handling the DBMS?
If yes, then class Adapter
together with the classes DbInterface
and DbAdapterMySQL
are the implementation of the Abstract Factory?
Related: http://answall.com/q/157466/101
– Maniero