Guys and the second is an error and I can not solve it the text is pasted in the image, I wanted at least to have some space between the text and the image,
I tried to put margin-left and n will I’m using bootstrap and the code this asim
#skill1 {
#skill1 img{
#skill1 p {
<div class="row">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12" id="skill1">
<img src="img/html.png" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail">
<p> Até algum tempo atrás, as animações nos sites eram feitas javascript ou flash. Com o surgimento do CSS 3 essa ideia vem mudando.
As animações com CSS dão um show de performance, são mais fluidas e sem travamentos. Como nem tudo são rosas, elas só funcionam em navegadores mais modernos. E aí que se encaixa o Graceful Degradation.
Em navegadores antigos, que não suportam essas animações, apresentamos o mesmo conteúdo, porém de uma maneira diferente sem perder nada em relação à acessibilidade.</p>
Hold on, I’m gonna shoot myself in the head.... pqp stood for hours caught in this silly error tried 10000 of things and nothing worked out and now I saw that something so simple and silly solved my problem, more finally I already hoped that the solution to this was something simple that I hit hitting
– Fernando Alcantara
in case have a way to move only the text block? pq when put margin moves the block with the image tbm
– Fernando Alcantara
@Fernandoalcantara relaxes, is the bed calling to go soon. hehehe
– viana
@Fernandoalcantara move how? do not understand
– viana
when I apply margin:10px the image tbm moves giving a margin between the image and the div, managed to solve my problem, but has a way for only the text block to move?
– Fernando Alcantara
@Fernandoalcantara you can put a margin-left: 240px in your <p>.. That would be the space of the image. If you don’t want to do so, you’d have to restructure your Ivs.
– viana
@Fernandoalcantara did a test here putting margin-left on <p> worked. Any questions I’m here.
– viana
the problem is that margin-left on p the text n is responsive and when it drops to the small screen size the image is in the center and the text is left to the right
– Fernando Alcantara
@Fernandoalcantara edited the question, putting what you needed. I hope that’s it. Anything, give a call here.
– viana