Can I market software that uses a GPL license?


Viewed 2,428 times


First of all, I must say that I am not making use of a Software under the GPL license, but of a package where the original source code was not changed, and I use only the generated DLL.

Let’s say I have in my system a package under the GPL license, like the Mysql.Data. I use this package to connect to the Mysql database.

Using only this package in my project, I am obliged to make available the source code of my project every time I decide to market?

  • 6

    Since I already had an answer, I held the closing vote. As @Rodorgas summed it up well, I will vote to close, because I understand that the question (despite programmer interest) cannot be answered by a community of programmers, nor is it a problem of programming itself.

2 answers


If you distribute your application and have used something GPL as part of your application (even if it is just a library), and even if you do not charge money, you should make the source code of your application available. If it is an application for internal use or is used on the server-side of a website, it is not necessary to release its source code.

The GPL is like a virus: infects everything it touches, forcing them to be also open source :)

Many closed-source systems offer a way for the user to download the GPL components separately. It is the only legal way to escape licence obligations.

To own GPL mentions that it may be more useful to license subroutine libraries with LGPL, which allows association with closed source programs.

This General Public License does not Permit incorporating your program into Proprietary Programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more Useful to Permit linking Proprietary Applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License Instead of this License.


You can sell software, packages or any other element based on a GNU/GPL license. Many people believe that the spirit of the GNU project is not to charge for distributing copies of the final product, but this has nothing to do with this license.

However, to market this software you must keep the package that is under the GPL license always open, that is, you need to provide access to the source code of this package in an open way, you cannot close that part of the software.

When I talk about closing, I am referring to the fact that, you can not prevent or hinder that third parties have access to this part of the software, which is precisely the GPL-based package.

For more information visit:

The site in question has an excerpt that says a lot, follows:

The word "free" has two valid meanings in English: it can be regarding both freedom and price. When we talk about free software ("free software"), we are referring to freedom and not at price. (Think of "freedom of speech" ("free Speech"), not in "free beer" ("free Beer"). ) Precisely, that means a user is free to run, change and redistribute the programme, with or without amendments.

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