PHP page without background color in Internet Explorer


Viewed 204 times


I have a problem opening a PHP page on the Internet Explore. It removes background colors.

In Google Chrome opens all pages normally.

<table style="width:100%;height:100%;" bgcolor="#4682B4" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
 <input value="Procurar" name="IWBUTTON2" type="Submit" class="IWBUTTON2CSS" id="IWBUTTON2" tabindex="21">
  • This pasted code is your full page?

  • It is an example of what appears to me in white when it should be blue. It works on google Chrome and internet explorer

  • and if you set the background color on style doesn’t solve it? Or you haven’t tried it yourself?

  • Yes, but is the HTML complete or just the relative chunk? Use the property background-color within the style.

  • There are two relative snippets. And with the Internet explore the images are all full of pixels and in Chrome everything is good

  • Putting the style in the background doesn’t work either

  • Your html may be incomplete, try to finish your SUBMIT like this: <input value="Procurar" name="IWBUTTON2" type="Submit" class="IWBUTTON2CSS" id="IWBUTTON2" tabindex="21"/> and see if this resolves

  • Set the color inside the style, or in the CSS file. I think it will work.

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1 answer


Try adding background-color style

<table style="width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#4682B4;" bgcolor="#4682B4" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Something else...

The div that closes right after the tag seems not to be being opened. Usually Google Chrome automatically closes tags for you so it’s working.

  • Even with this code it doesn’t work. In Chrome everything works very well and in IE everything goes wrong. Even images appear blurred.

  • put the whole code here.

  • The whole code is very long. Is here.. This central rectangle appears blank in the IE

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