How to separate a PDF file line by line, in Java?


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I need a way that I can read line by line from a pdf file.

I am reading the entire pdf file at once on this command line:

String conteudo=PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(reader, 1);

However I need to read line by line, because I need to know what line this my occurrence.

Any idea?

  • 3

    How about breaking the string you already get in your code by doing the break where you find the line break characters? (usually n and r in some combination).

1 answer


Just like the tip given by @Renan, you already have all your text in a String variable, instead of looking for the text you want in the PDF look for it in your String

//aqui voce tem toda a pagina em uma String
String pagina = PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(reader, 1);

//separe em um vetor de Strings cada linha, o final da linha sempre será \n
String[] linhas = pagina.split("\n");

//agora percorra seu vetor de Strings procurando o texto que deseja
int numLinha = 1;
boolean achou = false;
for(String s: linhas) {
    //quando encontrar, marque um flag e caia fora do loop
    if(s.contains("o texto que eu quero")) {
        achou = true;

//pronto, agora voce tem a linha que está o texto que procura
if(achou) {
    System.out.println("Seu texto está na linha:" + numLinha);
else {
    System.out.println("texto não encontrado");
  • What if the \n not working, try the \r ;) +1

  • @Renan Poisé, it is always good to highlight this because it may vary from case to case, but in the test I did with the library itext (which is the one the author is using) always put \n at the end of the line. Thanks.

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