I’m trying to put the items in positions of a matrix, but I keep getting the error that the variable is outside the matrix limits. I don’t know how to fix the mistake and I need help.
Follows the code:
Dim posicao As String = String.Join("", itens)
Dim separa As String()
Dim contagem As String
contagem = ListBox1.Items.Count
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To contagem
separa = Split(posicao, ";")
cpf = separa(0)
nome = separa(1) 'O erro ocorre aqui.
anonasc = separa(2)
TextBox1.Items.Add(cpf & ";" & nome & ";" & anonasc)
The program does not point out code errors. I am analyzing the variable items, which receives lines from a file . txt.
The local_file variable takes the . Filename of an Openfiledialog.
Variable itens
Dim local_arquivo As String
itens = (My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(local_arquivo, System.Text.Encoding.Default)).Replace(vbLf, String.Empty).Split((CChar(vbCr)))
It would be good to put what is the error and where it occurs, what is the data being analyzed (
), etc..– Maniero
All right, I added.
– Catharina Lopes
But what is the content of
?– Maniero
Corrected above.
– Catharina Lopes
I’m talking about the content, not its definition. I’m going to try to respond the way it does.
– Maniero
The content will depend on what is in the file that the user selects.
– Catharina Lopes
Yes, and this is what I want to know to see why the error occurs.
– Maniero
There are three Cpfs, followed by names and year of birth. They are just examples. They are separated by the character ;. 000.000.000-00;Maria da Silva;1995 111.111-11;José de Souza;2005 222.222.222-22;João Antônio;1945
– Catharina Lopes
They are separated by a ENTER, which did not appear when posting the comment.
– Catharina Lopes
Did you notice that the syntax of
is wrong? You saw in my answer the code working?– Maniero
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– Maniero