There are several ways to store and perform calculations with arbitrary precision numbers.
I believe the simplest example is to store the digits that make up the number in a string and do the calculations "practically" in the same way we do
the account manually, however, this simple form does not offer a very good performance.
Follow a practical example, commented and very simple in C
how to make a summing up with arbitrary numbers:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Tamanho do buffer
#define TAMANHO_MAXIMO 100000
// Retorna o máximo de 2 números
#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
int soma(const char *num1, const char *num2, char resultado[], int max)
int d1, d2, i1, i2, r, soma;
int vai_um = 0;
int res;
// Índices dos números. Começa a soma a partir da unidade
i1 = strlen(num1);
i2 = strlen(num2);
// Retorna o tamanho do resultado a ser impresso
res = max - (MAX(i1, i2) + 1);
// Índice do resultado
r = max - 2;
d1 = d2 = soma = 0;
// Efetua a soma dígito a dígito
for (;;) {
// Se terminou finaliza o looping
if (i1 <= 0 && i2 <= 0)
// Obtém os dois dígitos
d1 = i1-- <= 0 ? 0 : num1[i1] - 48;
d2 = i2-- <= 0 ? 0 : num2[i2] - 48;
// Soma os dígitos e o "vai um" se houver
soma = d1 + d2 + vai_um;
// Se a soma for maior que o dígito nove, "guarda" o "vai um"
if (soma > 9) {
vai_um = 1;
soma = soma - 10;
} else {
// se for menor que 9, o "vai um" é zero
vai_um = 0;
// Armazena dígito calculado
resultado[r--] = soma + 48;
// retorna o tamanho a ser impresso
return res;
int main()
// Números
char *n1 = "77843828938721973129372914798658749876459670949872346284631267542726289473294723948102389208120398347289347239472912345673414723947328947329472394810238920812039834728934723947298309563680458650468804968450685604586065486450684508654068059482309128301238019238120334332984732947492384772394723947329473294793248012983012318";
char *n2 = "289473294723948102389208120398347289347239472912345673414723947328262894732947239481023892081203983472893947329472394810238920812039834728934723947298309563680458650468804968450685604586065486450684508654068059482309128301238019238120334332984732947492384772394723947329473294793248012983012318";
// Resultado
char resultado[TAMANHO_MAXIMO];
// Tamanho do resulltado
size_t r;
// Preenche o resultado com 0
memset(resultado, 0, TAMANHO_MAXIMO);
// Coloca NULL no final da string
resultado[TAMANHO_MAXIMO - 1] = NULL;
printf("SOMA=%s\n + %s\n = \n\n", n1, n2);
// Chama a função soma e informa o tamanho máximo do buffer
r = soma(n1, n2, &resultado[0], TAMANHO_MAXIMO);
printf("%s\n", &resultado[r]);
return 0;
After execution, the output is:
+ 28947329472394810238920812039834728934723947291234567341472394732826289473294
Ne example above, buffer size is limited to constant TAMANHO_MAXIMO
however, in a real library, it can be dynamically allocated.
The other operations (subtraction, multiplication, division) are done in a similar way.
There are several techniques to optimize this type of operation, for example:
change the base of the number to a larger base (ex: base 16, 64 or 256), as each digit occupies a smaller memory space
save the "go one" operation on a vector and apply it in just one looping at the end of the operation (mainly used in multiplication)
For more information on arbitrary numbers and optimization operations (in English):
The Art of Computer Programming - Vol 2
Numerical Recipes Home Page
Friends, I just want to suggest to add the article, one of the best I have read about this problem: LINK:
– weltonvaz
The size of the numbers used has nothing to do with the "power" of the computer. Simulation calculations on super computers are usually done with 64bit (double) floats - and nothing prevents even a netbook from having programs that use arbitrary precision numbers in any program, as can be seen in the answers below. The point is that in fact, the hardware in the Cpus is optimized to perform operations with a 32 or 64 bit float - above that (in general) the account has to be made in Software.
– jsbueno