How to update link without refresh with javascript?


Viewed 1,421 times


Good evening, is there any refresh function on anchor link without Reload on page? I am creating a system to like articles, but I would like to create a way to change the link "like" to "Unlike. I tried to make a location.href but the page updates what I don’t want.

<script type="text/javascript">
function add_like(id_artigo){

    $.post('php/add_like.php', {artigo_id:id_artigo}, function(dados){
      if(dados == 'sucesso'){


        return false;

function un_like(id_artigo, id_user){
   $.post('php/un_like.php', {artigo_id:id_artigo, user_id:id_user}, function(dados){
       if(dados == 'sucesso'){


    return false;


function get_like(id_artigo){

  $.post('php/get_like.php', {artigo_id:id_artigo}, function(valor){



**$selLikes verifica se existe o like**

     $selLikes = getPhotoLiked($artigo_id, $user_id);  


     echo'<a class="like" onclick="javascript:add_like('.$artigo_id.');this.disabled=true" href="javascript:void(0)">like</a>';


      echo'<a class="unlike" onclick="javascript:un_like('.$artigo_id.', '.$user_id.')" href="javascript:void(0)">unlike</a>';


  • We’re missing a } at the end of function un_like(id_artigo, id_user){, just to remember. See the console (F12) of the page. It would be better to create only one call to like/excuse, checking in the client-side whether or not it exists and removing or not.

  • @Inkeliz is not possible to create a link that makes two functions I’m using onClick that calls different functions

  • The need is only to change the URL?

  • no @Inkeliz change anchor link <to> ex so the user likes the article he has the right to excuse but I want to do this without refresh on the page

  • Well, "change the like link to Unlike", in general you want to enjoy the function to be changed? If I like it now I will forgive? If this is it, there are better ways.

  • the same method that facebook uses like and slide

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2 answers


You’ll have to use jQuery. Use the function $.ajax(). I’ll give you a basic example

<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="like_a" referencia="3" acao="like">Like</a>


$("a#like_a").on('click', function(){

var acao = $(this).attr('acao');
var id_post = $(this).attr('referencia');


url: 'arquivo_like_db.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {acao: acao, id: id_post},

success: function(callback){

if(acao == 'like'){
$(this).attr('acao', 'unlike');
$(this).attr('acao', 'like);


then creates a file called arquivo_like_db.php that captures acao and id via $_POST if you need to.

Study on $.ajax() and jQuery, you will get what you need.

  • In this case he already uses Jquery, because the $.post() is from Jquery.

  • @Alisson Acioli does not exist this tag reference in HTML

  • Any tag can be created. If you want to create Megatron = "Overpower" can create. Then grab the parameter Megatron via Jquery. This also applies to <pudim class="chocolate"></pudim>. ;)

  • @Inkeliz Okay, thanks for the tip


You don’t need to re-load, just change the url with the Jquery you already use.

Modify the button for something similar:

For Unlike:

<a class="unlike" idArtigo=''.$artigo_id.'" idUser = "'.$user_id.'">unlike</a>

To like:

<a class="like" idArtigo=''.$artigo_id.'" idUser = "'.$user_id.'">like</a>

This way you have the direct parameter in <a>, with custom parameter containing both information.

$('.unlike').click(function(){ // Quando clicar
un_like( $(this).attr('idArtigo') , $(this).attr('idUser') );  // Pega idArtigo e idUser e insere no un_like
$(this).switchClass('unlike', 'like'); // muda classe/funcao
$(this).text('like'); // muda nome

$('.like').click(function(){ //Quando clicar
add_like( $(this).attr('idArtigo') ); // Pega idArtigo e  inseri no add_like
$(this).switchClass('like', 'unlike'); // muda classe/funcao
$(this).text('unlike'); // muda nome

I think this way will be easier, however you should make some changes to adapt.

That might be an idea.

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